Morya Short

Morya Short

Curiosity Maps

Curiosity Map

A curiosity map is what you might expect it to be – a series of related questions a person uses to coddiwomple to their destination.  A curiosity map is a wonderful tool for CoCreations, but perhaps surprisingly a project team…

Words that Obscure

Education, politics, the world of work, and many other aspects of modern life can leave us feeling overwhelmed. So many theories, so many complex interactions it seems a if we need to be experts to make a difference in the…

Writing from the Soul

Describing this type of writing is difficult, not everyone believes there is such a thing as a soul. Nevertheless many people, regardless of the word they use to describe this ephemeral aspect of people, agree there are hidden deeps in…

Threads of Love

Writing these words seems strange. The corporate way of getting things done seems much more familiar and safe. Yet business as usual is not a option any longer. Not just because the planet is buckling under the weight of our…

Allowing, Unfolding and Goals

The paradox of a destination without a particular need for motivation is a core area of investigation for a joy journey project. As we discover how to “get things” done in new ways without the tension created by “needs.” What…